!"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<�=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqRoot Entry7 Book
an (1); Li, Hao (2); Fu, Yang (1); Li, Dongdong (1)7/Taiyangneng Xuebao/Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica2015 1
>A high step-up and low switches voltage stress boost converter
FQu, Keqing (1); Ye, Tiankai (1); Zhao, Jinbin (1); Ushiki, Shuichi (2)!
IEICE Electronics Express
上海電力學院Induced voltage and induced charge of 0.38 kV lines operated parallel under 500 kV AC double-circuit transmission lines on same tower20150700525393jbMa, Aiqing (1); Xu, Dongjie (1); Wang, Haibo (1); Zhang, Zhousheng (1); Li, Feng (1); Zhao, Lu (1)0(Gaodianya Jishu/High Voltage Engineering2015 1
41306-312上海電力學院d\A novel hysteresis control strategy based on ampere-second balance of the modulate capacitor20150900571404KCZhao, Jin-Bin (1); Dai, Jian-Feng (1); Qu, Ke-Qing (1); Li, Fen (1)$Journal of Power Electronics2014 6
14 1263-1271上海電力學院Induced electric field and induced current analysis of human body at exposure limits of electric field generated by HVAC transmission lines20153001053868meMa, Aiqing (1); Wang, Shuqing (1); Zhang, Qihua (1); Zhang, Zhousheng (1); Li, Feng (1); Zhao, Lu (1)0(Gaodianya Jishu/High Voltage Engineering2015 5
41 1637-1643上海電力學院SKA Hybrid Meshing Technique for Ferromagnetic Structure Based on PEEC Method201545015182402015
51上海電力學院aYSwitching loss optimization based on model predictive control for grid-connected inverter201545015143652015 8
84-89上海電力學院UMStudy of optical excitation modulation on broadband terahertz wave in bulk Si20153501211757~Li, Gao-Fang (1); Chu, Feng-Hong (1); Ma, Hong (2); Yuan, San-Nan (1); Cui, Hao-Yang (1); Tang, Nai-Yun (1); Liu, Wei-Jing (1)<�4Guangdianzi Jiguang/Journal of Optoelectronics Laser2015 7
26 1412-1416上海電力學院bZStudy of acetone sensing test based on Raman spectroscopy and microstructure optical fiber20153501211742<�4Wu, Jian-Ping (1); Chu, Feng-Hong (1); Wang, Zhi (1)<�4Guangdianzi Jiguang/Journal of Optoelectronics Laser2015 7
26 1309-1313上海電力學院e]Quantitative interferometric microscopy cytometer based on regularized optical flow algorithm20151600763366^VXue, Liang (1); Vargas, Javier (2); Wang, Shouyu (3, 4); Li, Zhenhua (3); Liu, Fei (4)Optics Communications2015350222-229上海電力學院_WAn effective algorithm for rectification image based on single-lens stereovision system20152300914543LDWang, Daolei (1); Chen, Jun (1); Lim, Kah Bin (2); Loon, Kee Wei (2)2*ICIC Express Letters, Part B: Applications2015 6 6 1677-1683上海電力學院^VOptimal design for thermal insulation layers of energy-storage sodium-sulfur batteries20150400441240F>Zhang, Jianping (1); Han, Yi (1); Liu, Yu (2); Zhu, Qunzhi (3)e]Beijing Hangkong Hangtian Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astro2014
40 1648-1653上海電力學院[SStudy on optimization design method for auxiliary support in milling of bioceramics20150500469099G h \ Microsoft Visual FoxPro =$@,8X1Arial1Arial1Arial1Arial1Arial 衾 衾 衾 衾 衾 衾 衾 衾 衾 衾 衾 衾 衾 衾 + 衾 ) 衾 , 衾 * 衾 衾 上海電力學院
pagescdw_WAn optimized strain demodulation method for PZT driven fiber Fabry-Perot tunable filter20151300693270LDSheng, Wenjuan (1, 2); Peng, G.D. (2); Liu, Yang (2); Yang, Ning (1)Optics Communications2015349
31-35上海電力學院g_A novel intelligent fault diagnosis method for electrical equipment using infrared thermography201537012679782015
29-35上海電力學院c[Research on control system of DTC for motor based on novel ADRC controller and MC converter201541013502122015 8
53-61上海電力學院f^Stochastic simulation of patterns using ISOMAP for dimensionality reduction of training images20151300696895SKZhang, Ting (1); Du, Yi (2); Huang, Tao (3); Yang, Jiaqing (4); Li, Xue (3)!Computers and Geosciences2015
82-93上海電力學院=5Reconstruction of porous media using ISOMAP-based MPS20153301165427h`Zhang, Ting (1); Du, Yi (2, 3); Huang, Tao (3); Yang, Jiaqing (4); Lu, Fangfang (1); Li, Xue (3)=5Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment2016 1
30395-412上海電力學院F>A reconstruction method for spatial data using parallel SNESIM20152901043569C;Zhang, Ting (1); Du, Yi (2, 3); Huang, Tao (3); Li, Xue (3)C;Jisuanji Yanjiu yu Fazhan/Computer Research and Development2015 6
52 1431-1442上海電力學院LDUnsupervised Hyperspectral Band Selection by Dominant Set Extraction20153201109082d\Zhu, Guokang (1); Huang, Yuancheng (2); Lei, Jingsheng (1); Bi, Zhongqin (1); Xu, Feifei (1):2IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing2016 1
54227-239上海電力學院TLRefine item-based collaborative filtering algorithms with skew amplification201547015911392015 6
31 1867-1884上海電力學院` XAssessment of black-start schemes based on difference weight and collaborative filtering 20154501502065 2015
78-83 上海電力學院v
nNovel control method for doubly-fed wind turbine based on sensorless M-axis of m-axis component of stator flux
SCheng, Qiming (1); Wang, Helin (1); Bai, Yuanfei (1); Wu, Kai (1); Zhao, Jinbin (1)7
/Taiyangneng Xuebao/Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica
上海電力學院RJOptimal configuration of standalone microgrid based on multistate modeling20151600746192XPYu, Jinlong (1); Zhao, Wenhui (2); Zhao, Bo (3); Chen, Jian (3); Bao, Kankan (3)D<�Dianli Xitong Zidonghua/Automation of Electric Power Systems2015 6
11-17上海電力學院umPrediction research on optimized operation trajectory of MCFC/GT hybrid power generation system based on msvr20151600764760B:Yang, F?Yang, Feng (1); Liao, Wen-He (2); Dai, Ning (3); Zheng, Kan (2);3Rengong Jingti Xuebao/Journal of Synthetic Crystals2014
43 3323-3329上海電力學院QITribological behavior of HFCVD multilayer diamond film on silicon carbide20151700777563meChen, Naichao (1); Pu, Leiwu (1); Sun, Fanghong (2); He, Ping (1); Zhu, Qunzhi (1); Ren, Jianxing (1)'Surface and Coatings Technology2015272
66-71上海電力學院f^Temperature rise analysis of heating module for sodium-sulfur battery based on Weibull fitting20151800796930LDZhang, Jianping (1, 2); Han, Yi (1, 2); Liu, Yu (3); Zhu, Qunzhi (1)LDHarbin Gongye Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology2015 3
47111-115上海電力學院=5Photocatalytic oxidation of gas-phase Hg0 by CuO/TiO220151800804449|Wu, Jiang (1); Li, Chaoen (1); Zhao, Xuying (1); Wu, Qiang (1); Qi, Xuemei (1); Chen, Xiantuo (1); Hu, Tao (1); Cao, Yan (2)*"Applied Catalysis B: Environmental2015176-17559-569上海電力學院WOCreep-Fatigue Interaction and Cyclic Strain Analysis in P92 Steel Based on Test20150900575713RJJi, Dongmei (1); Zhang, Lai-Chang (2); Ren, Jianxing (1); Wang, Dexian (1)80Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance2015 4
24 1441-1451上海電力學院}Modeling and simulation of PM2.5 collection efficiency in a wire-plate ESP subjected to magnetic field and diffusion charging20152200902001h`Zhang, Jianping (1, 2); Xu, Dacheng (1); Ren, Jianxing (1, 2); Wu, Helen (3); Pan, Weiguo (1, 2)5-Environmental Progress and Sustainable Energy2015 3
34697-702上海電力學院TLAdaptive nesting algorithm based on curvature matching and recursive sorting20152801011025=5Yang, Feng (1); Liao, Wenhe (2); Zhang, Changdong (2)e]Jisuanji Fuzhu Sheji Yu Tuxingxue Xuebao/Journal of Computer-Aided Design and Computer Graphi2015 6
27 1120-1125上海電力學院B:Performance study of flowing-over water cooled PV/T system20153001062221]UTang, Liqing (1); Zhu, Qunzhi (1); Jing, Shuchun (1); Wu, Mingyan (1); Lu, Jiawei (1)7/Taiyangneng Xuebao/Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica2015 4
36860-864上海電力學院c [Study on performance of direct absorption solar collector system based on TiN-EG nanofluids 20153001062289n fWang, Wenting (1); Zhu, Qunzhi (1); Duan, Rui (1); Jing, Shuchun (1); Tang, Liqing (1); Li, Jindou (1)7 /Taiyangneng Xuebao/Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica 2015 6
36 1300-1305 上海電力學院O!GEnhancement using external magnetic field on mercury capture by fly ash!20153901307410!!!2015!!162!211-214!上海電力學院c"[1345. Aerodynamic simulation of wind turbine blade airfoil with different turbulence models"20154501506652"""2014 "5
"16" 2474-2483"上海電力學院#1414. Study on vibration of the offshore large-scale wind turbine blade under fluid structure interaction at different wind speeds#20154501506017###2014 #7
#16# 3236-3247#上海電力學院\$TEffects of geometries on heat transfer enhancement of thermal fluids in curved ducts$20153301166582$
Liu, Fang (1)#$Applied Thermal Engineering$2015$
$90$590-595$上海電力學院f%^Energy performance assessment of combined heat and power system based on demand-side viewpoint%20153801299586%%%2015
%35% 4430-4438%上海電力學院&Effects of alkalinity on membrane bioreactors for reject water treatment: Performance improvement, fouling mitigation and microbial structures&20153601235983k&cHu, Dalong (1); Zhou, Zhen (1); Shen, Xuelian (1); Wei, Haijuan (2); Jiang, Lu-Man (1); Lv, Yan (2)&Bioresource Technology&2015&&197&217-226&上海電力學院'A cost-effective method for the treatment of reject water from sludge dewatering process using supernatant from sludge lime stabilization'20150400447266'wRen, Weichao (1); Zhou, Zhen (1); Jiang, Lu-Man (1); Hu, Dalong (1); Qiu, Zhan (2); Wei, Haijuan (2); Wang, Luochun (1).'&Separation and Purification Technology'2015''142'123-128'上海電力學院(Electrocatalytic performance of Pd-Sn/C catalyst prepared with different complexants for ethanol oxidation in alkaline solution(20141517566798(((2014 (3
(35(602-607(上海電力學院t)lEnhanced photoluminescence emission of 3-aminobenzoic acid by complexation with M cations [M = cobalt, zinc])20145100329500S)KMin, Yu Lin (1, 2); He, Guang Qiang (2); Xu, Qun Jie (1); Chen, You Cun (2)')Journal of Alloys and Compounds)2013))578)448-453)上海電力學院*wMicrobial community structure of anoxic-oxic-settling-anaerobic sludge reduction process revealed by 454-pyrosequencing*20150300438204*Zhou, Zhen (1); Qiao, Weimin (1); Xing, Can (1); An, Ying (1); Shen, Xuelian (1); Ren, Weichao (1); Jiang, Lu-man (1); Wang, Luochun (1)$*Chemical Engineering Journal*2015**266*249-257*上海電力學院+Facile immobilization of LnVO4 (Ln = Ce, Nd, Gd) on silica fiber via a combined alcohol-thermal and carbon nanofibers template route+20151100639411I+AChen, Pengfei (1); Wu, Qiang (1); Zhang, Li (1); Yao, Weifeng (1) +Catalysis Communications+2015+
+66+6-9+上海電力學院v,nExploring the important role of nanocrystals orientation in TiO2 superstructure on photocatalytic performances,20151300683310N,FChen, Feifei (1); Cao, Fenglei (2); Li, Hexing (1); Bian, Zhenfeng (2),Langmuir,2015
,31, 3494-3499,上海電力學院l-dChlorination of bensulfuron-methyl: Kinetics, reaction factors and disinfection by-product formation-201513006812809-1Hu, Chen-Yan (1); Cheng, Ming (1); Lin, Yi-Li (2)=-5Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers-2015-
-46-51-上海電力學院s.kB-doped carbon coating improves the electrochemical performance of electrode materials for Li-ion batteries.20151300693896k.cWang, Cong (2); Guo, Ziyang (3); Shen, Wei (2); Xu, Qunjie (1); Liu, Haimei (1); Wang, Yonggang (3)%.Advanced Functional Materials.2014
.24. 5511-5521.上海電力學院l/dStudy on crystallization performance of polyethylene terephthalate/polybutylene terephthalate alloys/20151300694200h/`Wang, Rui-Yuan (1); Chen, Xiao-Dong (1, 2); Xu, Qun-Jie (1); Wang, Yin-Jie (2); Zhang, Qiang (2)&/Journal of Polymer Engineering/2014 /8
/34/747-754/上海電力學院f0^Model-based analysis for step response characteristics of the anaerobic/anoxic/aerobic process0201516007466120Zhou, Zhen (1); Qiao, Wei-Min (1); Jiang, Lu-Man (1); Wu, Zhi-Chao (2); Wang, Zhi-Wei (2); Du, Xing-Zhi (3); Jiang, Ling-Yan (3);03Zhongguo Huanjing Kexue/China Environmental Science02015 02
0350442-4470上海電力學院~1vInfluence of calcination temperature on the catalytic performance of Co3O4/GO nanocomposites for Orange II degradation120151700777113p1hShi, Penghui (1); Wang, Xianli (2); Zhou, Xuejun (1); Min, Yulin (1); Fan, Jinchen (1); Yao, Weifeng (1)1RSC Advances12015
143 15134125-341331上海電力學院t2lNovel synthesis and photocatalytic performance of BiVO4 with tunable morphologies and macroscopic structures220152000851498\2TWu, Qiang (1); Han, Ruobing (1); Chen, Pengfei (1); Qi, Xuemei (1); Yao, Weifeng (1)52-Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing220152
2382271-2772上海電力學院3Influence of monomer concentration during polymerization on performance and catalytic mechanism of resultant poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) coun320152300907160j3bHan, Ruobing (1, 2); Lu, Shan (2); Wang, Yanjie (2); Zhang, Xuehua (2); Wu, Qiang (1); He, Tao (2)3Electrochimica Acta32015331733796-8033上海電力學院4wModeling of multimode anaerobic/anoxic/aerobic wastewater treatment process at low temperature for process optimization4201529010457864yZhou, Zhen (1); Shen, Xuelian (1); Jiang, Lu-Man (1); Wu, Zhichao (2); Wang, Zhiwei (2); Ren, Weichao (1); Hu, Dalong (1)$4Chemical Engineering Journal42015442814644-6504上海電力學院W5OEffect of sulfate radical oxidation on disintegration of waste activated sludge5201531010945775Ren, Weichao (1); Zhou, Zhen (1); Zhu, Yeye (1); Jiang, Lu-Man (1); Wei, Haijuan (2); Niu, Tianhao (1); Fu, Penghao (1); Qiu, Zhan (2)951International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation52015551045384-3905上海電力學院m6eThe photocatalytic degradation of CH4by Ag-Bi2WO6under visible light62015480162569766620156
6196212-2146上海電力學院7Synthesis of Co3O4/graphene composite catalysts through CTAB-assisted method for Orange II degradation by activation of pero7201543014381247772016 71
7277 1020-10307上海電力學院8}Effects of potassium peroxymonosulfate on disintegration of waste sludge and properties of extracellular polymeric substances8201546015588968882016881068170-1778上海電力學院9Synthesis of Al2O3-silica fibers supported on a V2O5-K2SO4catalyst used for soot9201549016417599992015 95
9309445-4509上海電力學院v:nOxygen vacancy related defect dipoles in CaCu3Ti4O12: Detected by electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy:20150800544194h:`Luo, X.J. (1, 2); Liu, Y.S. (1); Yang, C.P. (3); Chen, S.S. (4); Tang, S.L. (2); B盲rner, K. (5)/:'Journal of the European Ceramic Society:2015 :7
:35: 2073-2081:上海電力學院T;LExact rational solutions to a Boussinesq-like equation in (1 + 1)-dimensions;20152000853040C;;Shi, Chang-Guang (1); Zhao, Bao-Zhu (1); Ma, Wen-Xiu (1, 2)#;Applied Mathematics Letters;2015;
;48;170-176;上海電力學院J<�BLump solutions to dimensionally reduced p-gKP and p-gBKP equations<�20155101691757><�6Ma, Wen Xiu (1, 2, 5); Qin, Zhenyun (3); L眉, Xing (4)<�Nonlinear Dynamics<�2016 <�2
<�84<�923-931<�上海電力學院f=^The unsteady turbulence flow of cold and combustion case in different trapped vortex combustor=20153301170626O=GZeng, Zhuoxiong (1); Ren, Jianxing (1); Liu, Xiaojing (1); Xu, Zhou (2)#=Applied Thermal Engineering=2015=
=90=722-732=上海電力學院Y>QZero sequence power line current measurement by using magnetic field sensor array>20153901313584>>>2015 >9
>25> 1685-1696>上海電力學院R?JSpontaneous facial expression recognition based on RGB-D dynamic sequences?20152400927962$?Shao, Jie (1); Dong, Nan (2)e?]Jisuanji Fuzhu Sheji Yu Tuxingxue Xuebao/Journal of Computer-Aided Design and Computer Graphi?2015 ?5
?27?847-854?上海電力學院L@D3D dynamic facial expression recognition using low-resolution videos@20153501225087M@EShao, Jie (1); Gori, Ilaria (2); Wan, Shaohua (2); Aggarwal, J.K. (2)#@Pattern Recognition Letters@2015@
@65@157-162@上海電力學院hA`Substation infrared image fuzzy enhancement algorithms based on improved adaptive genetic theoryA20151700776818mAeCui, Haoyang (1); Xu, Yongpeng (1); Sun, Yue (2); Sun, Xuri (2); Sheng, Gehao (3); Jiang, Xiuchen (3)0A(Gaodianya Jishu/High Voltage EngineeringA2015 A3
A41A902-908A上海電力學院tBlCreep-Fatigue Life Prediction and Reliability Analysis of P91 Steel Based on Applied Mechanical Work DensityB20150100398371IBAJi, D.M. (1, 2); Shen, M.-H.H. (2); Wang, D.X. (1); Ren, J.X. (1)8B0Journal of Materials Engineering and PerformanceB2015 B1
B24B194-201B上海電力學院{CsVortex States and Magnetization Properties in Mesoscopic Superconducting Ring Structures: A Finite-Element AnalysisC20143600013171:C2Peng, Lin (1, 2); Wei, Zejiang (1); Xu, Danhua (1)8C0Journal of Superconductivity and Novel MagnetismC2014 C9
C27C 1991-1995C上海電力學院iDaAnatase TiO2 nanotube powder film with high crystallinity for enhanced photocatalytic performanceD20151100627253\DTLin, Jia (1); Liu, Xiaolin (2); Zhu, Shu (2); Liu, Yongsheng (1); Chen, Xianfeng (2)"DNanoscale Research LettersD2015 D1
D10DD上海電力學院gE_Influence of in situ oxide dissolution on the bottom morphologies of detached TiOnanotube filmsE20151000605099_EWLin, Jia (1, 2); Liu, Xiaolin (2); Zhu, Shu (2); Liu, Yongsheng (1); Chen, Xianfeng (2) EJournal of NanomaterialsE2015EE2015EE上海電力學院RFJAssembly of a high-scattering photoelectrode using a hybrid nano-TiO2pasteF20152600986114kFcLin, Jia (1); Zheng, Li (1); Liu, Xiaolin (2); Zhu, Shu (2); Liu, Yongsheng (1); Chen, Xianfeng (2)(F Journal of Materials Chemistry CF2015
F26 F3F 6645-6651F上海電力學院wGoRemarkable magnetic relaxation and metamagnetic transition in phase-separated La0.7Ca0.3Mn0.9Cu0.1O3 perovskiteG20151800806200pGhGao, Tian (1); Cao, Shixun (2); Liu, Yongsheng (1); Zhou, Tao (1); Feng, Zhenjie (2); Zhang, Jincang (2)"GJournal of Applied PhysicsG2015
G16G117GG上海電力學院jHbVortex States in Nanosized Superconducting Strips with Weak Links Under an External Magnetic FieldH20153801298035HHH2015
H28H 3507-3511H上海電力學院ICoordination of PSSs and SVC Damping Controller to Improve Probabilistic Small-Signal Stability of Power System with Wind Farm IntegrationI20153201158337TILBian, X.Y. (1); Geng, Yan (1); Lo, Kwok L. (2); Fu, Yang (1); Zhou, Q.B. (3)*I"IEEE Transactions on Power SystemsI2016 I3
I31I 2371-2382I上海電力學院JDynamic frequency control strategy of wind/photovoltaic/diesel microgrid based on DFIG virtual inertia control and pitch angle controlJ20153601250671IJAZhao, Jingjing (1); L眉, Xue (1); Fu, Yang (1); Hu, Xiaoguang (1)eJ]Zhongguo Dianji Gongcheng Xuebao/Proceedings of the Chinese Society of Electrical EngineeringJ2015
J35J 3815-3822J上海電力學院tKlA maize-like FePO4@MCNT nanowire composite for sodium-ion batteries via a microemulsion techniqueK20141817680685KKK2014
K20 K2K 7221-7228K上海電力學院_LWModeling and design of main circuit for electrical fast transient pulse/burst generatorL20152901039107$LZhu, Wu (1); Wu, Shibing (1)CL;Dianli Zidonghua Shebei/Electric Power Automation EquipmentL2015 L6
L35L154-158L上海電力學院bMZMonitoring the performance of the building attached photovoltaic (BAPV) system in ShanghaiM20145200369065MWu, Xinfang (1); Liu, Yongsheng (1); Xu, Juan (1); Lei, Wei (1); Si, Xiaodong (1); Du, Wenlong (1); Zhao, Chunjiang (1); Zhong, Yunbo (2); Peng, Lin (1); Lin, Jia (1)MEnergy and BuildingsM2014M
M88M174-182M上海電力學院kNcEnhancement of hole barrier and light absorption in the {112} surface of CuIn0.5Ga0.5Se2 solar cellN20151800798836NFang, Wenjian (1); Liu, Yongsheng (1); Wu, Xinfang (1); Zhong, Yunbo (2); Peng, Lin (1); Lin, Jia (1); Xu, Juan (1); Lei, Wei (1); Zhao, Zhenjie (3).N&Journal of the Electrochemical SocietyN2015 N6N162N H376-H379N上海電力學院HO@The interaction between oxygen vacancies and doping atoms in ZnOO20154201411299OOO2015O
O87O969-973O上海電力學院RPJResearch of Thelenota Ananas sports drinks action to race walking athletesP20151100641364PChen, Xingsheng (1)6P.Advance Journal of Food Science and TechnologyP2015 P6 P7P395-397P上海電力學院ZQRControl of the wheeled mobile welding robot based on output feedback linearizationQ20142217763711QQQ2014 Q6
Q48-54Q上海電力學院HR@Simulation of the fuel cell hybrid power system control strategyR20151500741889ORGL眉, Xue-Qin (1); Duan, Li-Wei (1); Liu, Wen-Ming (1); Wu, Yi-Xiong (2)NRFShanghai Jiaotong Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong UniversityR2014R
R48R116-119R上海電力學院YSQDependence Assessment in Human Reliability Analysis Using Evidence Theory and AHPS20151500742123OSGSu, Xiaoyan (1); Mahadevan, Sankaran (2); Xu, Peida (3); Deng, Yong (4)S
Risk AnalysisS2015 S7
S35S 1296-1316S上海電力學院^TVModified double hysteresis current control method for unified power quality controllerT20151700774307bTZCheng, Qi-Ming (1); Wang, Ying-Fei (2); Cheng, Yin-Man (3); Wu, Kai (1); Bai, Yuan-Fei (1)?T7International Transactions on Electrical Energy SystemsT2015 T4
T25T713-730T上海電力學院XUPSeam yracking control mechanism and theoretical analysis of welding mobile robotU201518008097809U1L眉, Xue-Qin (1); Zhang, Ke (2); Wu, Yi-Xiong (2)NUFShanghai Jiaotong Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong UniversityU2015 U3
U49U371-374U上海電力學院GV?Dynamic behaviors of PEMFC based on adaptive prediction controlV20152400941463<�V4L眉, Xueqin (1); Duan, Liwei (1); Jiang, Yingjie (1)ZVRNongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural MachineryV2015 V5
V46V350-356V上海電力學院|WtMaximum power point tracking method based on three points comparison and real-time resistance matching for fuel cellW20153801280621WWW2015 W8
W46W372-378W上海電力學院CX;Review of sensors and its applications in the welding robotX20154501506602XXX2015XX363X337-349X上海電力學院.Y&Combining dependent bodies of evidenceY20154401471474YYY2016 Y3
Y44Y634-644Y上海電力學院bZZDualAcE: FINE-grained dual access control enforcement with multi-privacy guarantee in DaaSZ20151600765227fZ^Tian, Xiuxia (1, 2); Huang, Ling (2); Wang, Yong (1, 3); Sha, Chaofeng (4); Wang, Xiaoling (5)+Z#Security and Communication NetworksZ2015 Z8 Z8Z 1494-1508Z上海電力學院z[rA mutualism quantum genetic algorithm to optimize the flow shop scheduling with pickup and delivery considerations[20151500727726:[2Gu, Jinwei (1); Gu, Manzhan (2); Gu, Xingsheng (3),[$Mathematical Problems in Engineering[2015[[2015[[上海電力學院]\UQuantitative structure method for 500 kV/220 kV power grid based on fractal dimension\20152400936047:\2Li, Hongzhong (1); Lyu, Fenglei (1); Fan, Hong (1)D\<�Dianli Xitong Zidonghua/Automation of Electric Power Systems\2015
\87-92\上海電力學院@]8Grid-tied mode for voltage-controlled inverter with axes]20153501211851w]oWang, Yawei (1); Zhao, Jinbin (1); Qu, Keqing (1); Liu, Chentao (2); Ushiki, Shuuichi (3); Ohshima, Masaaki (3)D]<�Dianli Xitong Zidonghua/Automation of Electric Power Systems]2015
]39]110-116]上海電力學院x^pLightning-Induced Magnetic Field Distribution on Cable-Stayed Bridge Based on Modified Equivalent Circuit Method^20154501518214^^^2015
^51^^上海電力學院X_PDistribution network restoration and black start based on distributed generators_20154801627453___2015
_67-75_上海電力學院{`sDiscrimination of magnetizing inrush and short circuit current of converter transformer based on euclidean distance`20153901310883```2015 `9
`39` 2671-2676`上海電力學院maeDecoupling and stability optimization of dendroid-distributed multi-harmonic source management systema201513006925789a1Jiang, Youhua (1); Wang, Lin (1); Cao, Yilong (1).a&Dianwang Jishu/Power System Technologya2015 a3
a39a817-822a上海電力學院bEvaluation of three models of monthlyaverage total radiation on inclined surfaces and investigation of optimum tiltangle for pvarrayb20151600764838pbhLi, Fen (1); Zhao, Jinbin (1); Duan, Shanxu (2); Yan, Quanquan (3); Shen, Yanbo (4); Chen, Zhenghong (5)7b/Taiyangneng Xuebao/Acta Energiae Solaris Sinicab2015 b2
b36b502-509b上海電力學院{csUnbalance suppression of six-circuit transmission lines on same tower based on asymmetrical parameters compensationc201526009789923c+Wang, Yufei (1); Xu, Xing (1); Xue, Hua (1)Dc<�Dianli Xitong Zidonghua/Automation of Electric Power Systemsc2015
c39c160-165c上海電力學院LdDInteraction of elemental mercury with defective carbonaceous clusterd20152901047321rdjHe, Ping (1); Zhang, Xianbing (1); Peng, Xiaolong (1); Jiang, Xiumin (2); Wu, Jiang (1); Chen, Naichao (1)&dJournal of Hazardous Materialsd2015dd300d289-297d上海電力學院e~Simulation study of enthalpy gain characteristics on nuclear power 1 000 MW unit pressurized water reactor loop flow deviatione20153601250739uemLiu, Jianquan (1); Huo, Qijun (2); Zhou, Tao (2); Qian, Hong (1); Chen, Jianhan (1); Li, Ying (1); Li, Si (1)ee]Zhongguo Dianji Gongcheng Xuebao/Proceedings of the Chinese Society of Electrical Engineeringe2015
e35e 4139-4146e上海電力學院fEffect of BN content on microstructure evolution and wear property of in situ Ti/(TiB+TiN) hybrid composite coating by laser claddingf20154401462395fff2015 f9
f42ff上海電力學院_gWA thermodynamic study of simultaneous removal of SO2 and NO by a KMnO4/ammonia solutiong20151100647649WgOPan, W. (1); Zhang, X. (1); Guo, R. (1); Zhou, Y. (1); Jin, Q. (2); Ren, J. (1)OgGEnergy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effectsg2015 g7
g37g721-726g上海電力學院KhCLiquid Phase Oxidation and Absorption of NO from Flue Gas: A Reviewh20151100641661[hSGuo, Rui-Tang (1, 2); Hao, Jun-Ke (1, 2); Pan, Wei-Guo (1, 2); Yu, Yue-Liang (1, 2)8h0Separation Science and Technology (Philadelphia)h2015 h2
h50h310-321h上海電力學院IiAKinetic Studies on NO2 Absorption into Ammonium Sulfite Solutionsi20152300907080NiFDing, Honglei (1, 2); Du, Zhen (2); Zhang, Yongxin (2); Gao, Xiang (2)8i0Separation Science and Technology (Philadelphia)i2015 i9
i50i 1433-1438i上海電力學院xjpThe poisoning effect of heavy metals doping on Mn/TiO2 catalyst for selective catalytic reduction of NO with NH3j20152600976268jGuo, Rui-Tang (1, 2); Wang, Qing-Shan (1, 2); Pan, Wei-Guo (1, 2); Chen, Qi-Lin (1, 2); Ding, Hong-Lei (1, 2); Yin, Xue-Feng (3); Yang, Ning-Zhi (1, 2); Lu, Chen-Zi (1, 2);2j*Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemicalj2015jj407j1-7j上海電力學院qkiPreparation and characterization of CeOx@MnOx core-shell structure catalyst for catalytic oxidation of NOk20152700987288kGuo, Rui-Tang (1, 2); Chen, Qi-Lin (1, 2); Ding, Hong-Lei (1, 2); Wang, Qing-Shan (1, 2); Pan, Wei-Guo (1, 2); Yang, Ning-Zhi (1, 2); Lu, Chen-Zi (1, 2) kCatalysis Communicationsk2015k
k69k165-169k上海電力學院l~Evaluation of AA5052 alloy anode in alkaline electrolyte with organic rare-earth complex additives for aluminium-air batteriesl20152200901474hl`Wang, Dapeng (1); Li, Heshun (1); Liu, Jie (1); Zhang, Daquan (1); Gao, Lixin (1); Tong, Lin (2) lJournal of Power Sourcesl2015ll293l484-491l上海電力學院mExperimental and theoretical investigation on corrosion inhibition of AA5052 aluminium alloy by l-cysteine in alkaline solutionm20155101686475mmeWang, Dapeng (1); Gao, Lixin (1); Zhang, Daquan (1); Yang, Dong (1); Wang, Hongxia (2); Lin, Tong (2)'mMaterials Chemistry and Physicsm2016mm169m142-151m上海電力學院ynqControlling single-photon transport properties with asymmetrical waveguide-whispering-gallery resonator couplingsn20145300387022ZnRZhou, Tao (1); Zang, Xiaofei (2); Liu, Yongsheng (1); Zheng, Li (1); Gao, Tian (1) nJournal of Modern Opticsn2015 n1
n32-38n上海電力學院xopOn a globally convergent trust region algorithm with infeasibility control for equality constrained optimizationo20150700511019oZhu, Xiaojing (1)4o,Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computingo2016o1-2
o50o275-298o上海電力學院WpOComputing the nearest low-rank correlation matrix by a simplified SQP algorithmp20150700519865pZhu, Xiaojing (1)+p#Applied Mathematics and Computationp2015pp256p404-414p上海電力學院{qsA Hybridized Power Panel to Simultaneously Generate Electricity from Sunlight, Raindrops, and Wind around the Clockq20153101094081qZheng, Li (1); Cheng, Gang (2, 3); Chen, Jun (2); Lin, Long (2); Wang, Jie (2); Liu, Yongsheng (1); Li, Hexing (1); Wang, Zhong Lin (2, 4)!qAdvanced Energy Materialsq2015
q21 q5qq上海電力學院=r5Observer-based H鈭瀋ontroller for 2-D T-S fuzzy modelr20153701254190rLi, Lizhen (1)0r(International Journal of Systems Sciencer2016
r47r 3455-3464r上海電力學院IsAFinite-time synchronization of general complex dynamical networkss20153801280512sss2015 s5
s17s 1643-1653s上海電力學院tResearch into the corrosion behavior of carbon steel in simulated reverse osmosis product water and seawater using a wire beam electrodet20151900830877ztrZhang, Min (1); Ge, Hong-Hua (1); Wang, Xue-Juan (1); Meng, Xin-Jing (1); Zhao, Yu-Zeng (1); Liao, Qiang-Qiang (1),t$Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materialst2015 t3
t62t176-181t上海電力學院uyA generalized active disturbance rejection control method for nonlinear uncertain systems subject to additive disturbanceu20154601557564uuu2016 u4
u83u 2361-2372u上海電力學院vReduced graphene oxide-grafted cylindrical like W doped BiVO4 hybrids with enhanced performances for photocatalytic applicationsv20150300422963IvAZhou, FanQi (1); Min, YuLin (1); Fan, JinChen (1); Xu, QunJie (1)$vChemical Engineering Journalv2015vv266
v48-55v上海電力學院[wSFacile removal of polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) adsorbates from Pt alloy nanoparticlesw20150600490088owgLuo, Muhua (1); Hong, Yuanchen (1); Yao, Weifeng (1); Huang, Cunping (2); Xu, Qunjie (1); Wu, Qiang (1)(w Journal of Materials Chemistry Aw2015 w6 w3w 2770-2775w上海電力學院xApplication of sulfur-doped carbon coating on the surface of Li3V2(PO4)3 composites to facilitate Li-ion storage as cathode materialsx20151100623331xWang, Cong (1, 2); Guo, Ziyang (3); Shen, Wei (1, 2); Zhang, Aili (1, 2); Xu, Qunjie (1); Liu, Haimei (1, 2); Wang, Yonggang (3)(x Journal of Materials Chemistry Ax2015
x11 x3x 6064-6072x上海電力學院y~Hydrothermal synthesis and electrochemical performance of nanoparticle Li2FeSiO4/C cathode materials for lithium ion batteriesy20151400709373yXu, Yimeng (1, 2); Shen, Wei (1, 2); Wang, Cong (2); Zhang, Aili (2); Xu, Qunjie (1); Liu, Haimei (1, 2); Wang, Yonggang (3); Xia, Yongyao (3)yElectrochimica Actay2015yy167y340-347y上海電力學院zImproved photocatalytic activity of CdS/reduced graphene oxide (RGO) for H2 evolution by strengthening the connection between CdS and RGO sheetsz20151700785863OzGHong, Yuanchen (1); Shi, Penghui (1); Wang, Peifu (1); Yao, Weifeng (1)0z(International Journal of Hydrogen Energyz2015
z40z 7045-7051z上海電力學院g{_Shape-controlled synthesis of Pd nanoparticles for effective photocatalytic hydrogen production{20152000854844[{SLuo, Muhua (1); Yao, Weifeng (1); Huang, Cunping (2); Wu, Qiang (1); Xu, Qunjie (1){RSC Advances{2015
{51 {5{40892-40898{上海電力學院^|VVapor-assisted synthesis of Al2O3-coated LiCoO2 for high-voltage lithium ion batteries|20152600969365v|nZhao, Fei (1); Tang, Yufeng (2); Wang, Junsheng (1); Tian, Jianliya (1); Ge, Honghua (1); Wang, Baofeng (1, 3)|Electrochimica Acta|2015||174|384-390|上海電力學院n}fShape effects of Pt nanoparticles on hydrogen production via Pt/CdS photocatalysts under visible light}20152600980087[}SLuo, Muhua (1); Yao, Weifeng (1); Huang, Cunping (2); Wu, Qiang (1); Xu, Qunjie (1)(} Journal of Materials Chemistry A}2015
}26 }3}13884-13891}上海電力學院~yHeterocyclic aramid nanoparticle-assisted graphene exfoliation for fabrication of pristine graphene-based composite paper~20153001061591d~\Mo, Yao (1); Liu, Qi (1); Fan, Jinchen (1); Shi, Penghui (1); Min, Yulin (1); Xu, Qunjie (1)(~ Journal of Nanoparticle Research~2015 ~7
~17~~上海電力學院umInvestigation of structure and photocatalytic activity on TiO2 hybridized with graphene: Compared to CNT case20153201114062KCGuo, ShuaiNan (1); Fan, JinChen (1); Xu, QunJie (1); Min, YuLin (1)RSC Advances2015
79 564414-64420上海電力學院d\Niobium doped anatase TiO2as an effective anode material for sodium-ion batteries201547015616222015
45 322969-22974上海電力學院Performance of AA5052 alloy anode in alkaline ethylene glycol electrolyte with dicarboxylic acids additives for aluminium-air batteries20153501211954NFWang, DaPeng (1); Zhang, DaQuan (1); Lee, KangYong (2); Gao, LiXin (1) Journal of Power Sources2015297464-471上海電力學院Synergistic effects of sodium lauroyl sarcosinate and glutamic acid in inhibition assembly against copper corrosion in acidic solution201542014140992015355 1229-1237上海電力學院{Electrochemical and DFT studies of quinoline derivatives on corrosion inhibition of AA5052 aluminium alloy in NaCl solution201547015841082015357 2176-2183上海電力學院wSelf-assembled monolayers formed by ammonium pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate on copper surfaces in sodium chloride solution20151300678978wZhang, X.H. (1); Liao, Q.Q. (1); Nie, K.B. (1); Zhao, L.L. (1); Yang, D. (1); Yue, Z.W. (1); Ge, H.H. (1); Li, Y.J. (2)Corrosion Science2015
93201-210上海電力學院A facile and novel organic coprecipitation strategy to prepare layered cathode material Li[Li0.2Mn0.54Ni0.13Co0.13]O2with high capacity and excell20150300429482ogYuan, Xiaolei (1); Xu, Qun-Jie (1); Wang, Cong (1); Liu, Xinnuan (1); Liu, Haimei (1); Xia, Yongyao (2) Journal of Power Sources2015279157-164上海電力學院woLi3V2(PO4)3/(SiO2 + C) composite with better stability and electrochemical properties for lithium-ion batteries20150700519327ldLai, Chunyan (1); Wei, Jiaojiao (1); Wang, Zhen (1); Xu, Qunjie (1); Lu, Yunfeng (2); Li, Hexing (1)Solid State Ionics2015272121-126上海電力學院e]Direct growth of FePO4/reduced graphene oxide nanosheet composites for the sodium-ion battery20151000603432tlLiu, Yao (1); Xu, Shuojiong (1); Zhang, Shiming (1, 2); Zhang, Junxi (1); Fan, Jinchen (1); Zhou, Yirong (1)( Journal of Materials Chemistry A2015
10 3 5501-5508上海電力學院phEnhanced electrochemical performance of Cu2O-modified Li4Ti5O12 anode material for lithium-ion batteries20151100621610ZRWang, Junsheng (1); Zhao, Fei (1); Cao, Jie (1); Liu, Yu (1, 2); Wang, Baofeng (1)Ionics2015 8
21 2155-2160上海電力學院kcStructural and electrical properties of Bi2WO6piezoceramics prepared by solid state reaction method20151500736444_WZeng, Tao (1); Yu, Xiaoting (1); Hui, Shipeng (2); Zhou, Zhiyong (2); Dong, Xianlin (2)#Materials Research Bulletin2015
68271-275上海電力學院rjPreparation of polyhedral copper oxide nanoparticles by molten-salt method and their catalytic performance20152100862672XPZeng, Tao (1); Bai, Yang (1); Li, Hao (2); Yao, Wei-Feng (1); Dong, Xian-Lin (3):2Wuji Cailiao Xuebao/Journal of Inorganic Materials2015 4
30439-442上海電力學院TLThe dielectric breakdown properties of porous PZT95/5 ferroelectric ceramics20152200899953[SZeng, Tao (1); Lou, Qiwei (1); Bai, Yang (1); Dong, Xainlin (2); Wang, Yongling (2)Ferroelectrics2015 1478118-126上海電力學院Facile preparation of amino-modified Pd/TiO2/C nanocatalyst and its electrocatalytic performance for ethanol oxidation in alkaline solution20153001050915]UCao, Xiaolu (1); Wang, Longlong (1); Wang, Yajun (1); Xu, Qunjie (1); Li, Qiaoxia (1)NFGaodeng Xuexiao Huaxue Xuebao/Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities2015 6
36 1187-1193上海電力學院}Effect of the direct current electric field on the initial corrosion of steel in simulated industrial atmospheric environment20153201124478ldDai, Nianwei (1); Zhang, Junxi (1); Chen, Qimeng (1); Yi, Bo (1); Cao, Fahe (2); Zhang, Jianqing (2)Corrosion Science2015
99295-303上海電力學院^VFe0.94Mn0.06PO4@MCNT composite for sodium-ion batteries via a micro-emulsion technique20153601250704LDLiu, Yao (1); Zhang, Junxi (1); Zhang, Shiming (2); Zhou, Yirong (1)80Gongneng Cailiao/Journal of Functional Materials2015
4614062-14066上海電力學院iaFeasibility study of application of corrosion inhibitor to realkalization for carbonated concrete201539013145272015 4
18559-564 and上海電力學院|tInteractions between low-loading Pd nanoparticles and surface N-functionalities and their effects on HCOOH oxidation201540013322592015
12162 H898-H902上海電力學院vnAmorphous iron phosphate/carbonized polyaniline nanorods composite as cathode material in sodium-ion batteries201545015178102016 2
20479-487上海電力學院Electric properties and phase transition behavior in lead lanthanum zirconate stannate titanate ceramics with low zirconate content201547015732952015
24上海電力學院Capsule-Like Fe3O4 Nanoparticles and Triangle Fe3O4 Nanoplates: Facile Synthesis, Magnetic Properties and Catalytic Performance20152200882983<�4Zeng, T. (1); Bai, Y. (1); Li, H. (2); Yao, W.F. (1)Nano2015 5
10上海電力學院_WA techno-economic analysis on NaS battery energy storage system supporting peak shaving20155101678097ZRLiao, Qiangqiang (1); Sun, Bo (1); Liu, Yu (2, 4); Sun, Jun (3); Zhou, Guoding (1)0(International Journal of Energy Research2016 2
40241-247上海電力學院?7Research on compound controller in nuclear power plants201422177636852014 2
94-97上海電力學院IAMathematical model of grid-connected inverter system in weak grid201547015755992015
51 1922-1924上海電力學院e]The sliding mode load frequency control for hybrid power system based on disturbance observer201538012845252016
74446-452上海電力學院skResearch on the planning and optimization of the electrical collection network for solar photovoltaic array201544014539972015 9
36 2124-2129上海電力學院f^Quantitative interferometric microscopy with improved full-field phase aberration compensation20151300695239ldXue, Liang (1); Wang, Shouyu (2, 3); Yan, Keding (2, 4); Sun, Nan (5); Li, Zhenhua (2); Liu, Fei (3)Optical Engineering2014
53上海電力學院B:Effect of oxygen defects on ferromagnetism of Co Doped ZnO20145100343725=5Liu, Weijing (1); Tang, Xiaodong (2); Tang, Zheng (2).&Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters2014 7 6612-617上海電力學院QISynthesis of air stable and pure phase pyrite FeS2 nanoparticles in water20145200366923>6Yuan, Binxia (1); Luan, Weiling (2); Tu, Shan-Tung (2)Materials Letters2015142160-162上海電力學院]UCorrosion behavior of galvanized steel with exposed substrate in a marine environment20150600485047`XYuan, Xujie (1, 2); Zhang, Junxi (1); Zhang, Shiming (1); Tan, Tian (1); Ma, Xingchi (1)Materials Performance2015 2
24-26上海電力學院Frequency regulation of the wind/photovoltaic/diesel microgrid based on DFIG cooperative strategy with variable coefficients between virtual inert20151300691951H@Zhao, Jingjing (1); Lv, Xue (1); Fu, Yang (1); Hu, Xiaoguang (1)LDDiangong Jishu Xuebao/Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society2015 5
59-68上海電力學院E=Probabilistic common cause failures in phased-mission systems20153101102007E=Wang, Chaonan (1, 2); Xing, Liudong (2); Levitin, Gregory (3)1)Reliability Engineering and System Safety2015144
53-60上海電力學院A9Automated vacuum system for lifetime test of IR detectors2015350121983880Cao, Lan (1); Deng, Ruohan (2); Gong, Haimei (3)C;Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng/Infrared and Laser Engineering2015 6
44 1712-1715上海電力學院RJSurface Modification of Spinel Li4Ti5O12 with Fe for lithium ion batteries201536012361230(Wang, B.F. (1); Cao, J. (1); Liu, Y. (1)NFEnergy Materials: Materials Science and Engineering for Energy Systems2014 3 9124-128上海電力學院G?A hysteresis control strategy based on capacitor charge balance201547015932502015
63-69上海電力學院`XOptimal design of pressure control system of PWR pressurizer based on digital regulators201538012901992015 4
69-73上海電力學院ZRDielectrophoretic Arrangement of ZnO Nanorods and Its Influence on the Capacitance201543014178202014 1603216-224上海電力學院D<�Economic operation of micro-grid based on sequence operation201548016272472015
30227-237上海電力學院Economic operation of microgrid containing charging-swapping-storage integrated station under uncertain factors of wind farm and photovoltaic gene20151300692556meLiu, Fang (1); Yang, Xiu (1); Shi, Shanshan (2); Zhang, Meixia (1); Deng, Hong (1); Guo, Pengchao (1).&Dianwang Jishu/Power System Technology2015 3
39669-676上海電力學院ZROptimal DG penetration rate planning based on S-OPF in active distribution network201538012959722016174514-521上海電力學院>